

Spintronics, or spin electronics, exploits an additional property of the electron, namely its quantum property of spin. It offers new possibilities for applications such as highly sensitive sensors, high-density data storage and energy-efficient memories, computing, and telecommunications. Moreover, new fundamental topics are emerging, such as topological spin structures, topological insulators, Majorana fermions, antiferromagnetic spintronics, spin photonics, spin-orbitronics, spin optics, ultra-fast phenomena, out-of-equilibrium magnetism, THz emission, and spin-caloric phenomena. These advances make use of the fascinating developments of new materials controlled at the atomic scale and characterization techniques that allow us to probe those materials at ultimate scales, including length, time, temperature, and field.

The purpose of the Spin Electronics and Nanomagnetism colloquium is to bring together international experts from different communities, including fundamental physics (experimental and theoretical) and materials science, to provide a broad overview of the state-of-the-art and perspectives. Additionally, it will provide an opportunity to celebrate the birthday of Professor Eric E. Fullerton and his important contributions to the field of Spin Electronics and Nanomagnetism.


Eric Fullerton

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