
Scientific topics & speakers

Invited speaker (* not confirmed)


Prof. Johan Akerman
University of Gothenburg – Sweden

Tohoku University - Japan

Title : Recent advances in spin Hall nano-oscillators: 10 nm devices and mutual synchronization of 1000s of oscillators

Prof. Geoffrey S.D. Beach

Materials Research Laboratory (MRL) at MIT – USA


Dr. Jeffrey Brock

Paul Scherrer Institut and ETH Zurich – Switzerland

Title : Impacts of the half-skyrmion spin topology, spin-orbit torque, and dynamic symmetry breaking on the growth of magnetic stripe domains

Prof Roy Chantrell

Physics Department - University of York - UK

Title: Evolving models of FePt and new approaches to induced spins in atomistic approaches

Prof. J. M. D. Coey
School of PhysicsTrinity College, Dublin Ireland

Title: Some aspects of amorphous transition-metal alloys revisited

George De Coster

Title : Illuminating Hidden Symmetries in Topological Insulator Thin Films


Dr. Bernard DIENY

SPINTEC, CEA/Grenoble, IRIG -France

Title: Using magnetism to act on living cells

Prof. Hermann A. Dürr

Uppsala University - Sweden

Title : Ultrafast dynamics of FePt nanoparticles


Prof. shaya Fainman

University of California San Diego - USA

Title : Nanolasers: Dynamics and Phase Locking

Dr. Peter Fischer

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory – USA

UC Santa Cruz – USA

Title: X-raying topological spin textures in space and time

Prof. Michael E. Flatté
University of Iowa, USA and Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands

Title: Coherent coupling to a thicket of spin-wave modes in an ultrastrongly coupled microwave-magnon system

Prof. Edwin Fohtung

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, NY, USA

Title: Twisted light and topological structures of spontaneous symmetry breaking in nano-ferroics

Prof. Eric Fullerton, fellow US National Academy of engineering 

UC- San Diego – USA

Prof. Dustin Gilbert

University of Tennessee - USA

Title: Using neutrons to probe skyrmions in Gd/Fe thinfilms

Prof. Matthew Gilbert 

University of Illinois Urbana -Champaign – USA

Title: Magnetostrictive Evolution of Singular Anisotropic Magnetoresistance in Topological Metals

Dr. Julius Holfeld

Université de Lorraine - France

Title: Different ways to control all-optical switching in Gd-based ferrimagnets


Prof. Andrei I. Kirilyuk
FELIX Laboratory Radboud University – Netherlands

title : Shaken, not stirred: a recipe for magnetic switching via phononic resonances

Prof. Bert Koopmans 

University of Eindhoven – Netherlands

Title : Towards on-chip spintronic-photonic integration

Prof. Roopali Kukreja
University of California Davis - USA

Title: Unraveling optically induced ultrafast dynamics of nanoscale magnetic textures

Romain Lebrun 

CNRS-Thales, UMR-137 - France

Title:GHz and sub-THz magnonics with ferro- and anti-ferromagnetic insulators 

Prof. David Ledermann

UC Santa Cruz – USA

Title: Antiferromagnetic Spintronics: Past, Present, and Future

Prof. Chris Leighton

University of Minnesota, USA

Title : Origin of the ultrahigh conductivity in the delafossite metal PdCoO2

Prof. Vitaliy Lomakin

University of California, San Diego - USA

Title : Multi-physics micromagnetic models and solvers

Prof Victoire de Margerie 


Title : World Materials Forum 


Prof. Y. Shirley Meng

University of Chicago - USA

Title : Energy Storage and Information Storage – Converging Materials Science

Prof. Casey Miller

Rochester Institute of Technology - USA

Title : Phase Transitions within Magnetic Heterostructures

Assistant Research Scientist Sergio Montoya

University of California San Diego, USA

title : Chiral magnetic spin textures in centrosymmetric and noncentrosymmetric thin film magnets

Dr. Hans Nembach

University of Colorado, Boulder and Affiliate of the National Institute of Standards and Technology -USA

Title : Determination of the saturation magnetization and Heisenberg Exchange from spin-wave dispersion measurements


Prof Aletta Prinsloo

University of Johannesburg, South Africa

Title : Bulk to nano Cr-based fundamental research

Prof. T.H.M. Rasing 

Radboud University Nijmegen – Netherlands

Title : Optical control of Magnetism: from ultrafast switching to brain inspired computing

Jim Rhyne

National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

Title :  Magnetic Coupling in Ferrite Nanoparticles Revealed by Polarized SANS and Inelastic Neutron Scattering

Dr. Sujoy Roy

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory – USA

Title : Static and dynamic correlations of stripes and skyrmions in Fe/Gd thin films


Dr. Biswajit Sahoo

Dept of Physics, University of California, San Diego – USA

Title : Effect of magnetic phase transition on spin Hall angle

Rudolf Schaefer

Title : Magneto-optics, revisited

Prof. Ivan Schuller fellow American Academy of Arts and Sciences

UC- San Diego – USA

Title : From Metallic Superlattices to Neuromorphic Computing

Ivan K. Schuller | American Academy of Arts and Sciences

Prof. Sunil Sinha

UC- San Diego – USA

title : Critical Dynamics of a Spin Glass using X-ray Photon Correlation Spectroscopy

Prof. Kristiaan Temst
KU Leuven – Belgium 

Title : Local probing of electric field-induced manipulation of magnetization


Prof. Tom Thomson
University of Manchester, UK

Title :  FeRh in multifunctional exchange spring thin films

Dr  Igor Vaskivskyi

Jozef Stefan Institute- Slovenia

Title : Another attempt at ultrafast magnetization switching in ferromagnets


Organizing Committee 


Dr. Andreas Berger

 CIC nanoGUNE - Spain

Title : Tuning magnetic phase transitions in thin films and multilayers

Prof. Andrew Kent

Director, Center for Quantum Phenomena - New York University USA

Title : A friendship and collaboration that started with Co/Ni

Prof. Axel Hoffmann

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign - USA

Title: How to turn charge into spin

Prof. Kai Liu

Georgetown University -USA

Title : Magneto-Ionic Control of Spin Textures and Interfaces

Prof Stéphane Mangin

Université de Lorraine – France 

Title : From Spin Transfer Torque (STT) to all optical STT

Dr Dafiné Ravelosona

Spin-Ion Technologies -Centre de Nanosciences et de Nanotechnologie (C2N) - France

Title: Enhancing domain wall motion in W-CoFeB-MgO materials using He+ ion irradiation

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